Join our agency
The Modelling & Acting industry has always been as fascinating and exciting as much as it is frustrating and complex . It can be interesting and rewarding and often a high demand for the next New Face. Having the right look is only part of things that we are looking for, we want to see an eager to learn mind and a warm friendly personality. We expect you to have a professional attitude, common sense and the ability to be self motivated.
If you feel that you have the qualities to be considered for any of our sections, please fill in our application form, making sure to send a clear head shot and full length image. If you are registered with Spotlight as an adult or young performer, please email us separately with your Spotlight pin number/link and we will call to arrange an interview.
Youngsters Age 4-17
Every parent can be excused to thinking their child has what it takes but if the child does not enjoy working on camera then it will result with clients not wanting to work with them. First impressions count and we expect young children to be well behaved and sociable with new people while older children and teens should be confident, respectful and friendly. In all cases the parent or guardian bust also deliver a well groomed and professional manor while representing their child and the agency.
If you would like your child or teen to be considered, please fill out the application form, making sure to send a clear head shot and full length image. If you are registered on Spotlight please email separately with your Spotlight pin number/link and we will call to arrange an interview.
Spotlight and Young Performers
We are a Spotlight approved agency and therefore can offer gifted youngsters age 4 to 17 an opportunity to sign with Spotlight through Little Big Door as a Young Performer. We will of course first like you to showcase why we should consider you for this and we will ask you to send us a self tape of you either singing, dancing or acting for evaluation.
All Spotlight & Young Performers already registered on the Spotlight website seeking representation will still need to fill out the application form however we conduct a face to face consultation and no charges apply.
Please note that we are not affiliated with any other model agencies or freelance scouts. If you have been recommended by a studio it does not guarantee that you will be signed, you will be treated no differently. There are many scams in the industry and we do not associate with any to the best of our knowledge.