Israel Arode

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Read Information:
  • Age:   20 years old
  • Playing Age:   19
  • Location:   United Kingdom
  • Gender:   Male
  • Ethnicity:   Black
  • Nationality:   British
  • Height:   6'2"
  • Weight:   90 kg
  • Chest Size:   42
  • Bust Size:  
  • Waist Size:   33"
  • Hips:  
  • Leg Inseam:  
  • Collar:   17"
  • Shoe Size:   10"
  • Dress:  
  • Natural Eye Colour:   Brown
  • Natural Hair Colour:   Brown/Black
  • Hair Length:   Medium
  • Facial Hair:   Stubble
  • Native Accent:   British
  • Performance Accent:   British (London)
  • Language Spoken:   English
  • ID & Licenses:   Valid Driver’s Licence, Valid Passport
  • Available for:   Travel abroad for work, Cruise Ships or Holiday Resorts (for entertainers), Work with Animals, Commercials promoting alcohol or gambling
  • Family Profiles:  


Industry Fields of Interest


Advertising & Promotional, All forms of modelling, Walk on Roles,

– Swim
– Ride bike
– Play drums
– Athletics

About Me:

I am a really laid-back guy who loves to laugh and have fun with friends. Parties included. Highly athletic with awards under my belt. Here for fun and to live my best life.


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