Louis Taylor

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Read Information:
  • Age:   5 years old
  • Playing Age:  
  • Location:   United Kingdom
  • Gender:   Male
  • Ethnicity:   White
  • Nationality:   British
  • Height:   3'9"
  • Weight:   19 kg
  • Chest Size:  
  • Bust Size:  
  • Waist Size:  
  • Hips:  
  • Leg Inseam:  
  • Collar:  
  • Shoe Size:   11.5
  • Dress:  
  • Hair Length:   Medium
  • Natural Hair Colour:   Blonde/Fair
  • Natural Eye Colour:   Hazel
  • Facial Hair:  
  • Native Accent:   British
  • Performance Accent:  
  • Language Spoken:   English
  • ID & Licenses:   Valid Passport
  • Available for:   Work with Animals, Take part if casting directors seeking real families for commercials
  • Family Profiles:  


Industry Fields of Interest


All forms of modelling, Editorial, Film & TV Extra, Music Videos, Runway, TV commercials & corporate, Voice Over, Walk on Roles,

– Swim
– Ride a bike without stabilisers
– Ride a motorbike (trial bike)
– Drive a go-kart/racing car
– Excellent on a trampoline
– Great at gymnastics
– Fastest runner in his class, loves running
– Play hockey
– Loves to dance
– Ski

About Me:

Louis is a confident, energetic boy who brightens every room with his smile and blonde curls. He is well-liked at school, with many friends. Known for his kindness and playful humour, he always aims to make others laugh without hurting their feelings. People often comment on how cute he is and admire his hair when we’re out.


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